Wolf, L., Tuckute, G., Kotar, K., Hosseini, E., Regev, T.I.*, Wilcox, E.* & Warstadt, A.* (2023). WhisBERT: Multimodal Text-Audio Language Modeling on 100M Words. arXiv, babyLM challenge.Paper
Wolf, L., Pimentel T., Fedorenko, E., Cotterell, R., Warstadt, A.*, Wilcox, E.* & Regev, T.I.* (2023). Quantifying the redundancy between prosody and linguistic content. arXiv, EMNLP2023.Paper
Journal papers
Fedorenko, E., Ivanova, A., Regev, T.I.. (2025) Reply to ‘Language is widely distributed throughout the brain’. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.Paper
Fedorenko, E., Ivanova, A., Regev, T.I.. (2024) Reply to ‘The core language network separated from other networks during primate evolution’. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.Paper
Fedorenko, E., Ivanova, A., Regev, T.I.. (2024) Reply to ‘The language network is topographically diverse and driven by rapid syntactic inferences’. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.Paper
Regev, T.I.*, Casto, C.*, Hosseini, E.A., Adamek, M., Ritaccio, A.L., Brunner, P., & Fedorenko, E. (2024) Neural populations in the language network differ in the size of their temporal receptive windows. Nature Human Behavior.Paper | Link to data and code
Regev, T.I.*, Lipkin, B.*, Boebinger, D., Paunov, A., Kean, H., Norman-Haignere, S., & Fedorenko, E. (2024) Preserved functional organization of human auditory cortex in two individuals missing one temporal lobe from infancy. iScience.Paper | Link to data and code
Fedorenko, E., Ivanova, A., Regev, T.I.. (2024) The language network as a natural kind within the broader landscape of the human brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.Paper
Regev, T.I., Kim, H., Chen, X., Affourtit, J., Schipper, A.E., Bergen, L., Mahowald, K.*, & Fedorenko, E*. (2024) High-level language brain regions process sub-lexical regularities. Cerebral Cortex.Paper| Link to data and code
Chen, X., Affourtit, J., Ryskin, R., Regev, T.I., Norman-Haignere, S., Jouravlev, O., Malik-Moraleda S., Kean H., Varley R. & Fedorenko, E. (2023) The human language system does not support music processing. Cerebral Cortex.Paper
Regev, T.I., Markusfeld, G., Nelken, I., Deouell, L.Y. (2020) Context Sensitivity Across Multiple Time and Frequency Scales. Cerebral Cortex.Paper | Link to data and code
Regev, T.I., Nelken, I., Deouell, L.Y. (2019) Evidence for linear but not helical automatic representation of pitch in human auditory system. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(5), 669–685 Paper
Regev, T.I., Winawer, J., Gerber, E.M., Knight, R.T., Deouell, L.Y (2018) Human posterior parietal cortex responds to visual stimuli as early as peristriate occipital cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. Paper | Link to data and code
Wolfenson, H., Lubelski, A., Regev, T., Klafter, J., Henis, Y.I., Geiger, B. (2009) A Role for the Juxtamembrane Cytoplasm in the Molecular Dynamics of Focal Adhesions. PLoS ONE. Volume 4, Issue 1, e4304. Paper
Madi, A., Friedman, Y., Roth, D., Regev, T., Bransburg-Zabary, S., Ben Jacob, E. (2008) Genome Holography: Deciphering Function-Form Motifs from Gene Expression Data. PLoS ONE. Volume 3, Issue 7, e2708. Paper
Conference presentations
Apr. 2024 – CNS – Toronto. Symposium organization and talk: A network of brain areas is sensitive to prosody and distinct from language and auditory areas.
Oct. 2022 – SNL – Philadelphia.
Poster.: Heterogeneous neural responses distributed across the language network revealed by electrocorticography.
Oct. 2020 – SNL – virtual. Poster: Sensitivity of high-level language processing brain regions to phonological information.
Oct. 2019 – SFN+APAN – Chicago. Poster: Context sensitivity across multiple time and frequency scales.
Feb. 2019 – SMPC – NYC. 2 Talks: 1. The neural representation of pitch – height versus chroma. 2. Statistical context sensitivity of ERP components in an unattended tone sequence.
Mar. 2019 – CNS – San-Francisco. Poster: Multiple timescale sensitivity of EEG components to statistical features in unattended tone sequences.
Feb. 2019 – ARO – Baltimore. Talk: Evidence for linear but not helical automatic representation of pitch in human auditory system.
Feb. 2018 – ISCOP – Acre. Poster: Multiple timescale sensitivity of EEG components to statistical features in unattended tone sequences.
Aug. 2017 – ICON – Amsterdam. Poster: Automatic representation of pitch in human auditory cortex is linear and not helical.
Feb. 2017 – ISCOP – Acre, Israel. Music Cognition symposium organization and talk: Early brain processing of pitch – height versus chroma.
Jul. 2016 – ICMPC – San-Francisco. Poster: Is pitch chroma discrimination automatic? – an EEG study.
Mar. 2016 – The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. Vocal Department Colloquium. Invited lecture – Music and the Brain.
Feb. 2015 – ELSC, Ein Gedi. Talk: Early visual response in human posterior parietal cortex revealed by onset latency estimation using electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings.
Nov. 2014 – SFN – San Diego. Poster: Early visual response in human posterior parietal cortex revealed by onset latency estimation using electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings.
Dec. 2012 – ISFN – Eilat. Poster selected for swift presentation – Coupling Sound to Movement – Design and Assessment of Learned Auditory-Proprioceptive Integration.
Jul. 2012 – ICMPC-ESCOM – Thessaloniki. Poster and spoken presentation – Sonic Feedback to Movement as Learned Auditory-Proprioceptive Sensory Integration.