Tamar Regev

I am a cognitive neuroscientist studying the auditory, speech and language systems.

I am currently a postdoc at the lab of Ev Fedorenko, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Science. I completed my PhD in computational neuroscience at ELSC, Hebrew University, labs of Leon Deouell and Eli Nelken. I hold an interdisciplinary M.Sc in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media from UPF, Barcelona and my B.Sc was in Physics and Biology at Tel-Aviv University. Find more about my research here.

Apart from my scientific work, I have a passion for combining science, art and technology using tools such as audiovisual software, basic electronics, physiological sensors, real-time interaction, etc. (Well, I had time for that before I had kids.) Find more about my art here.

I’m also proud of my family! Alma, Leo and Janni.


tamaregev [you know which sign comes here] gmail [and here] com

Twitter; GoogleScholar; Github; OSF